
Strong Legs Yoga Flow for snowboarders and skiers

May 10, 2020

Welcome to your Strong Legs yoga flow for snowboarders and skiers. This is a quick flow to be done as a warm up before heading out to ski or snowboard. I recommend doing this yoga lesson before the winter starts. 

If you love the idea of working out hard, but really your inner soul is screaming for you to be a cosy potato on the sofa and catch up some new juicy netflix show (don’t feel ashamed I feel like this too). 

Here’s the sequence for you, if the internet is terrible where you live.

Strong Legs Yoga for Snowboarders and Skiers sequence:

  1. ½ Sun salutations x3
  2. Sun salutations A x3
  3. Chair Pose
    1. Vinyasa → locust pose instead of cobra pose
    2. Warrior 1 
    3. Warrior 2 
    4. Warrior 3 → for balance
    5. Vinyasa → locust pose instead of cobra pose
    1. Vinyasa → locust pose instead of cobra pose
    2. Warrior 1 
    3. Warrior 2 
    4. Warrior 3 → for balance
    5. Vinyasa → locust pose instead of cobra pose
  1. Tree Pose
  2. Bridge Pose, squeeze glutes x3
  3. Twist pose
  4. Shavasana

I wanted to share a little more about the behind the scenes of this video. This video was taken months ago, before the pandemic back in October 2019. It was taken on the same day that I made this Flexibility Yoga class for you

It was a beautiful sunny Autumn day, almost a little too cold (which is great as the biting bugs wouldn’t be around) yet warm enough to film these yoga classes before winter started. I absolutely love watching the mountain in both those videos, that beautiful autumn sunshine and I hope that you enjoy the scenery too.

It’s also funny how you can create something, which you know is great, but be in so much self doubt that you don’t do anything about it! It’s completely self created and I want to push past my limiting beliefs of not good enoughness, also of perfectionism which leads to procrastination and getting absolutely fuck all done. 

This is pretty much the story of how I process what I do, which isn’t very healthy and isn’t very motion driving, when no action is taken. 

I also had difficulty to post this on Thursdays on youtube which is the plan with weekly content. Due to buying a microphone, which must have made the video corrupt and not downloadable. 

It made me notice how yoga opened me up to meditation, I reckon it allowed me more self-awareness, therefore to be less reactive when something like (technology being an absolute arsehole). I get less mad and I accept and try again. 

I know you’re probably reading this, as boring but I felt that I should share how this video truly turned out and I hope that you enjoyed doing this class. 

If you enjoyed it don’t forget to share it with a friend and comment how you felt after taking this class below.

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