

April 24, 2018


A yoga pose that is so good, that you won’t see it online? A yoga pose that a stiff, non pretzel bendy person, can fully enjoy and do.


You’ve tried yoga, you’re hooked and you’re definitely going back to a lesson. You keep seeing pictures on instagram of super bendy ladies, that are tall, leggy, wearing very little clothing and in stunning beautiful locations.

Then you think I can’t do that pose (even if I question whether these poses, are in fact asanas at times). You think, I’m a complete beginner at yoga, I’m too stiff, I can’t reach my toes, I can’t bend back that far and how can I do all this without being flexible. Well with enough practice, diligence and a lot of swearing I’m sure that you could. Honestly though that isn’t the point.


What is the point then?

Yoga poses were created for you to be able to see within, meditate and reach that higher state of bliss. This will also require plenty of practice.

You’re thinking, I have no time for meditation or bliss right now.

What’s a stiff and busy minded person to do?



What is that you ask? Well Savasana is a resting pose, in Sanskrit means corpse pose. A pose that is simple to do and that takes a lifetime to master.

So like the name suggests, you would require to lay back like a corpse.

The trick here is not to fall asleep but also to try and relax in those minutes of lying there. Which are both equally difficult.

This can be a great pose after a really stressful day, or after physical exercise. In a yoga lesson, savasana is at the end of your yoga lesson.

In Savasanna try at least 5 minutes, but to really feel this pose you can lay there for 20 minutes.

If you’re really struggling with a busy mind and the idea of just lying there seems ridiculous. Hear me out! Please at least try 2 minutes and see how different you feel afterwards.

However you can only practice a long savasana and guess what you’ve done some yoga! Go you!


Savasana guided script - BANNER - yoga snow breathe - snowga - snoga - myoko - myokokogen - myokoyoga - nanoyoga - ナノヨガ


Benefits of Savasana

This pose relaxes the whole psyho-physiological system.

When the body is completely relaxed, the awareness of your mind increases, developing Pratyahara, a withdrawal from the senses.

The relaxation felt in this pose, drops your heart rate, reducing blood pressure and helping you to relax your heart, this can also help with anxiety.

Savasana can also help you to feel more energised.

This pose can also help you gain more concentration off of your mat, which we all need in this social media, short attention span age.


How to do Savasana

  1. Put your timer on for 5 – 20 minutes (the longer the more relaxed you’ll feel)
  2. Lie flat on your back, on the mat.
  3. Spread your legs a little more than hips width
  4. Move your arms slightly away from your torso
  5. Close your eyes


Tip for those with back pain


If you’re a new yoga teacher, you find that Savasanna is a pose that you struggle to teach.

You can download my Savasana script here.

You can use this as a guide and start adding in your own words, once you’re more comfortable with teaching savasana.

Savasana guided script - BANNER - yoga snow breathe - snowga - snoga - myoko - myokokogen - myokoyoga - nanoyoga - ナノヨガ


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